Your Rural Ride Checklist: How to Prepare for a Remote Gravel Ride
A day spent riding backcountry gravel routes in Hastings County is tough to beat: you’re sure to encounter varied terrain, scenic vistas and small-town charm. But in order to have the best experience on your ride, some assembly is required: when you choose a rural destination like Hastings County for a gravel ride, self-sufficiency is part of the equation that leads to good times. Even seasoned riders should remember that remote gravel routes can often throw curveballs: it is better to over-prepare than to be caught in the woods with a mechanical and no cell reception.
Assembling a gravel checklist is simple and it’s likely you already have most of what you’ll need. Keep your checklist at the ready so that you can move on to the real challenge: choosing your next adventure cycling route...
1. What to Bring on a Gravel Ride